清教徒为什么来到美国?10 分钟阅读

清教徒为什么来到美国?<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">10</span> 分钟阅读</span>
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在美国各地的学校里, 感恩节的一周通常包括一群被称为清教徒的人的简短课程. 对于许多, 当提到朝圣者这个词时, 脑海中浮现的画面是,戴着黑色大帽子的男人穿着黑色鞋,鞋上有闪亮的大扣扣. 可悲的是, while this seems like a minor misconception, many other misconceptions surrounding the 朝圣者 run rampant. 的 majority of Americans do not know the 清教徒的真实故事. 更糟糕的是, 在教室里教什么, 媒体描述, 和 written in articles online is often far from the truth. 可悲的是, 清教徒的故事 不见了. 我们可能会惊讶地发现,我们有三个主要的来源可以告诉我们完整的清教徒故事:威廉·布拉德福德的 普利茅斯种植园 还有爱德华·温斯洛的 莫特族谱 来自新英格兰的好消息.


的 Reference 和 User Services Association, a division of the American Library Association, 将主要源定义为, “历史的证据, 在历史事件发生时,甚至在事件发生后,由参与者或观察者创建的原始记录或对象, 就像回忆录和口述历史一样.简单地说,第一手资料就是对所发生事件的第一手记录.

威廉·布拉德福德(William Bradford)是一位第一手的目击者,也是最终乘坐“五月花”号来到新大陆的分离主义教会的成员. Without Bradford’s journal, we would know very little about the 朝圣者. 他的日记题为 普利茅斯种植园爱德华·温斯洛的作品 莫特族谱来自新英格兰的好消息,是我们在探寻清教徒是谁以及他们是谁时可以参考的基础文献 为什么清教徒来到美国. Bradford’s journal is a wealth of key information, 比如给牧师的信, 约翰。罗宾逊, his correspondence with the Merchant Adventurers Company, 定居者和邻近的万帕诺亚格部落之间签订的条约, 以及《五月花号公约, 哪个在写作中是不可或缺的 宪法 美利坚合众国的代表.


为了更好地理解 为什么清教徒来到美国, we must go back to the time of King Henry VIII.

King Henry VIII Unwittingly Changed the Course of History

It is common knowledge that King Henry VIII had many wives–six, 事实上,但大多数人不知道,亨利离婚的愿望将把上帝的话语放在人们手中. Up until this point, the Bible was available in Latin. Often, only priests in the Catholic church owned Bibles 和 could read them. 当亨利八世国王决定脱离天主教并建立自己的教堂时, he declared that the Bible would be read in English. 1539年,亨利八世国王授权用英语印刷《BCK体育注册官网》. This version of the Bible was called 的 Great Bible. 亨利国王把这个版本的圣经分发给了英国所有的教会. 这是第一次,人们可以用简单的英语听到和读到神的话语.

After King Henry VIII died in 1547, his son Edward became king. Edward died only a few short years later at age 15. 他的妹妹玛丽于1553年成为女王. Mary did not like that her father had divorced her mother, so she made the Roman Catholic Church the official church of Engl和 again. 她烧毁了用英语写的圣经,圣经学者被迫逃离英国. 他们中的许多人逃到了日内瓦, 瑞士, 在那里,他们勤奋地把《BCK体育注册官网》翻译成一章一节的英文版本, 还有有用的脚注. 这本圣经叫做《BCK体育注册官网》. 玛丽女王于1558年去世,她的妹妹伊丽莎白成为女王,并欢迎改革者回来. 的 Church of Engl和 was once again the official church. 伊丽莎白于1603年去世,詹姆斯国王继承了王位,因为他是她最近的亲戚.

就是这位詹姆斯国王 钦定本圣经 以. This English translation of the Bible was released in 1611. 詹姆斯国王成功地确保了“译本的学术性和无党派特征”.” It became the st和ard English bible until the early 20th century.



布拉德福德通过他们对圣经的阅读和他们的会面认识到了这一点, "许多人因着神的道得着光照,他们的无知和罪恶被显明出来, 并开始以他的恩典来改造他们的生活,使他们的行为有良心……”

Although King James continued Queen Elizabeth’s Protestant legacy, he made it a crime to attend any church except the Church of Engl和, 每个人都必须参加. 另外, King James outlawed the Geneva Bible. At the time, there were two groups of people who wanted to change the church. 清教徒仍然是英国国教的一部分,并致力于从内部“净化”教会. 的 Separatists felt there was no hope for the church, so they separated themselves from the Church of Engl和 和 met in secret.

在他的日记里, 威廉·布拉德福德写道, “很多, 因此, of these professors as saw the evil of these things in these parts, 和 whose hearts the Lord had touched with heavenly zeal for His truth, they shook off this yoke of antichristian bondage, 当主的自由之民(借着主的约)联合在一起成为教会的产业, 在福音的团契中, 行他一切显明的道, 也不叫他们知道, 根据他们最大的努力, 不惜一切代价, 耶和华帮助他们.”

另外, 布拉德福德通过他们对圣经的阅读和他们的会面认识到了这一点, "许多人因着神的道得着光照,他们的无知和罪恶被显明出来, 并开始以他的恩典来改造他们的生活,使他们的行为有良心……”

的 decision to break the law did not come without consequences. 布拉德福德哀叹, "他们遭到四面八方的追捕和迫害" "直到他们之前的苦难相比之下不过是跳蚤叮咬. 有些人被关进了监狱, others had their houses watched night 和 day, 和 escaped with difficulty; most were obliged to fly, 离开他们的家园,离开他们的生计,然而这些和许多其他的痛苦, they were able to bear by the assistance of God’s grace 和 spirit.”

的ir first attempt to leave Engl和 was met with further hardship. 的y had hired an English ship to give them passage, but on the date 和 time they were scheduled to depart, 船长出卖了他们。. 的y were stripped of their money, books, 和 other possessions. 有些人被送进了法庭和/或监狱.

第二年春天,他们第二次试图从英国逃到荷兰. This time, they arranged transport with a Dutch ship captain. 女人和孩子们乘着小船走在前面,男人则走陆路. 男人们上了船,但女人们却被退潮困住了. 当一大群士兵出现在眼前时,船起航了,把妇女们留在后面. 的 women 和 children were imprisoned for a time, then finally released to go to their husb和s in Holl和.


朝圣者 indeed found religious freedom in Holl和. However, the years in Leiden wore on them. 的y found their children not only becoming influenced by the Dutch culture, 但是,为了维持他们的生活,他们必须在工厂里劳动,这使得他们的孩子比他们的年龄提前衰老. 的 朝圣者 wanted to share the Gospel, so they saw themselves as stepping stones to further its reach.


When the 朝圣者 decided to migrate to the New World, 他们获得了在弗吉尼亚北部定居所需的专利.


的 朝圣者 considered beginning anew in either Virginia or Guyana. 尽管圭亚那拥有丰富的资源,但清教徒们还是选择了移民到新大陆. 他们获得了旅行所需的专利,并在弗吉尼亚最北端定居下来.


的 朝圣者 were aware their chances of survival were not good. 布拉德福德列出了风险:

  1. 这片土地 was wild, unsettled, uncleared, 和 uncivilized. 他们可能会被野兽或人伤害.
  2. 航行中 漫长而危险.
  3. 新世界 could subject them to famine, disease, infection, thirst, or violent death.
  4. 这次旅行 是非常昂贵的,需要资金,他们必须偿还吗.

有人回答说, that all great 和 honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, 和 must be both enterprised 和 overcome with answerable courages. 人们认为危险很大, but not desperate; the difficulties were many, 但并非不可战胜. For though there were many of them likely, yet they were not certain; it might be sundry of the things feared might never befall; others, by provident care 和 the use of good means, might in a great measure be prevented; 和 all of them, 在上帝的帮助下, 靠的是坚韧和耐心, 要么可以忍受,要么可以克服. 确实如此, that such attempts were not to be made 和 undertaken without good ground 和 reason; not rashly or lightly, as many have done for curiosity or hope of gain, 等. But their condition was not ordinary; their ends were good 和 honorable; their calling lawful, 和 urgent; 和 因此 they might expect the blessing of God in their proceeding. 是的, though they should lose their lives in this action, yet might they have comfort in the same, 他们的努力将是光荣的.”

尽管存在风险, 从布拉德福德的叙述中可以清楚地看出,清教徒们是为了顺从上帝而去美国的.


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